Securing the Tray Arm
Properly securing each tray arm to each bike is critical to your safety. Here are some photos that show how to properly secure each tray arm. Notice that the tire grip is positioned so it presses against the upper half of the tire (not the lower half). This is very important because it applies a downward force that keeps the bike tire securely in the tray. Also note that, to the degree possible, the tire arm wraps around the tire to keep it centered on the rack.
Note the the Tire Grip is on the upper half of the tire, and the rubber straps wrap the tire inside of the Tire Arm.
This example shows how a Fender Adapter helps to secure the tire to the Tray Arm.
Note that the front tire is secured against the Tire Chuck.
Now, let demonstrate the best technique for securing the straps around the top of the tire.
Best Method
Notice how the rubber strap stays inside the tire arm.
Not As Good
Notice how the rubber strap goes outside the tire arm. This not as good as when it stays inside the tray arm.